Thursday 6 December 2012

Magical and Mundane thumbnails & link

Storyboard 77 - 2012 ιστορία μου όμορφη

Dolls, puppets and animation are valuable tools in making difficult subject areas more 'palatable' and less harsh. This storyboard uses dolls, realia and symbolism as part of a therapeutic exploration of emotional trauma, bereavement and loss.
Currently untitled, unfinished mixed media narrative.Will eventually comprise 7 x 11 images (media/composition studies in progress)
i - 1/09/10
ii - Loss 12/01/11
iv - Grief
iii - Mortuary. Intimacy. Trust.


vii - Betrayal. Abandonment. Cruelty.

 x - Suffering.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Blog redesign - watch this space!

This blog will focus on personal artwork and experience.
Multimedia collage, retablos, altars - therapeutic, autobiographical narrative,
The healing beauty of the natural world contrasting with themes of impermanence, bereavement, vulnerability, abandonment, loss, insanity.  Natural cycles of growth, death, beauty, perfection and healing.
Folklore, anthropology, myth, symbolism and  superstition.

My latest studies/drawings of found natural objects are evolving into 3d multimedia projects.

recent work and community projects can be viewed at